Messages by Thread
[Politech] Politicians push for mandatory data retention laws, bipartisanly [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Who'd make the most technology-friendly president? Discuss. [econ]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Judge rules defendant can't be forced to divulge PGP passphrase [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] ITU botnet paper published in draft form, comments requested [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] David Burt and his Filtering Facts Web site are back [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] FTC Internet advertising summit in Washington this week [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Hamline University student suspended after pro-gun rights email [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] MIT student picking up friend at airport nearly shot, charged with "infernal machine" crime [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Paul Levy: Politicians, infomercial kings try to stifle anonymous Internet speech [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Colorado sheriff creates roadblock so private firm can demand DNA blood samples [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Federal police will gain access to military spy satellites [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Sen. John Kerry wants to outlaw "transmitting" dog fighting images [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Congress at its finest: P2P networks as "national security threat" [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Whoops! Nevada governor accidentally posts Outlook password [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] FBI remotely installs spyware to trace bomb threat [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Correction on security firms and detecting spyware [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Will security firms detect police spyware? A survey of 13 of them [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Democrats criticize AT&T's exclusive iPhone deal, just because they can [econ]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] DEA key logger docs in Ecstasy drug case posted online [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] DEA key logger used to eavesdrop in real time on alleged drug manufacturers [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Ethan Ackerman on politics behind Real ID and the immigration bill [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] John Gilmore on Real ID and why the immigration bill died [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Senate backs away from Real ID Act [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] W3C's openness hypocrisy: Public barred from "public" conference [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] John Gilmore on ACLU, free speech, and its checked history [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Board candidates wanted for Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] ACLU replies to charges that it doesn't consistently defend free speech [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Does the ACLU still believe in free speech? Maybe not any more [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Alleged psychic Uri Geller sues, is sued over YouTube video clip [ip]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Net tax fight resumes in Congress; senator warns of e-mail tax [econ]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Dispatches from 2007 Computers Freedom and Privacy conference in Montreal [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Real ID regulations: Five days left to tell Homeland Security to pull the plug [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Missing email messages, and Karl Rove's personal computer, roil Washington
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] The IRS and its computers: a 20 year upgrade, and still counting [econ]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Mandatory web labeling resurfaces in Congress, 11 years later [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] COPA struck down, again, and judge says filters are very effective [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] EPIC urges Senate to kill Patriot Act section expanding FBI's national security letters [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Chip Pitts on NSA surveillance, data mining, and national security letters [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] FBI illegal use of eavesdropping powers: not just national security letters [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Real ID rebellion accelerates; ACLU's scorecard rates regulations [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Real ID Act regulations: a critique by Steven Adler [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] France bans citizens from recording violence, Web sites from reproducing videos [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Justice Department's new data retention target: image-sharing sites
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Real ID Act regulations finally released by Homeland Security [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Politech back from hiatus (and a quick note on the Free State Project) [econ]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Sen. McCain proposes surveillance of illegal images (including cartoons) [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] New Jersey, California officials like the Real ID Act [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Data retention bill officially surfaces in the U.S. Congress [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Downsize DC president Jim Babka replies to Politech: "valuable lessons learned" [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Keith Henson, Scientology critic, arrested in "Tom Cruise" missile case [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Details on German court banning police from remotely installing Trojan Horses [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] More on Downsize DC and its problems with AOL blacklisting [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Libertarian group "Downsize DC" gets blacklisted by AOL [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] German court bans police from installing Trojan Horses remotely [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Massachusetts: Aqua Teen Hunger Force lights are an "infernal machine" [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Is your domain safe from suspension? Here's a survey of registrars [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Black Box Voting report on touch-screen machines and influence-peddling [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Town pays $225K after inventing criminal subpoenas to unmask critic [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Jim Davidson on MySpace, GoDaddy, free speech; another GoDaddy story [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Is Spamhaus blacklist of Terrorism Research Center too much? [sp]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Response to GoDaddy's suspension of security site: [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Update from Europe on data retention: What's happening now [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] More experiences with GoDaddy, free speech, and domain deletion [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] MySpace, GoDaddy pull plug on computer security domain name without warning [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Maine becomes first state to reject Real ID [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Replies to AOL's email "tax" and some explanations of why it's needed [sp]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Peter Gutmann on Windows Vista and digital rights management [ip]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Computers, Freedom and Privacy 2007: Call for proposals for May 1-4 conference [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] AOL's email "tax" and how it affects small mailing lists [sp]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Data retention: Not just ISPs, but Google, domain registrars, and more? [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Bloggers dodged a bullet in Senate, but how threatening was it? [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] EFF's 16th birthday party in San Francisco tomorrow, January 11 [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Will Democrats be any better on civil liberties than Republicans? [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] EPIC's 2006 privacy year in review [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Internet fuels rise in number of jailed journalists: 1 in 3 are Web-based [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] FBI activates cell phones' microphones for surveillance when no call is being made? [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Peter Junger, encryption law warrior, R.I.P. [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Florida Supreme Court upholds "harmful to minors" e-mail law [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Refuse to show ID, get Tasered by angry cops with an attitude [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Tech voter's guide for 2006 election: How politicians voted
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] United Nations summit convenes in Athens: lots of talk, not much else [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] How Sen. Frist held port security hostage -- for Net-gambling laws [econ]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Report critiques federal government's Internet voting scheme [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Weekly column: Sneaky Senate tricks when enacting legislation [econ]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Trademark laws vs. free speech: a candidate for the trademark hall of shame? [ip]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Technical and privacy dimensions of terrorism prevention -- NRC call for papers [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Data retention endorsed by International Association of Chiefs of Police [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Politech back from hiatus [admin]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Real question on NSA tapping: How do we know if Bush complies with court order? [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] License plate scanning: Balancing privacy with public safety, efficiency [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Federal judge orders halt to NSA spy program, rules it unconstitutional [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] AOL releases search info for 650, 000 users, offers glimpse into private lives [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] What if DOPA requires libraries to block sites of U.S. Senate candidates? [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Indianapolis police test camera-scanner that reads license plates [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] David Burt on DOPA library and school filtering bill [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Bush administration appeals loss in NSA/ATT case to 9th Circuit [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Secret "watch lists" have nabbed more members of Congress than terrorists [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Sen. Wyden pledges to block telecom bill without Net neutrality regulations [econ]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Lawsuit against AT&T over NSA spying can proceed, judge says [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] World Trade Organization pursues Net gambling case; U.S. doesn't look good [econ]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Passenger list screening may have led to BetOnSports CEO's arrest [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] "America: Freedom to Fascism" movie opens on July 28 [econ]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Which mortgage lenders are spammers? A lawsuit offers hints [sp]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] California Supreme Court prohibits recording Californians without consent -- wherever you are [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Judge dismisses suit against Google over page ranking [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] White House deal says FISA court will review NSA spying [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] $50 billion later, what has the Universal Service Fund accomplished? [econ]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Politicos grok technology better than technologists? Energy-efficient servers [econ]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Rep. Ron Paul on Net-gambling bill: a rare voice of sanity in Congress [econ]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Step aside, war on terror -- now it's war on Internet gambling [econ]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] FBI presses for dramatic expansion of wiretapping law; router makers targeted [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] eBay raises the stakes on Net neutrality with e-mail campaign [econ]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Mandatory data retention resurfaces; Gonzales, Mueller call for 2-year rule [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] ACLU launches "Don't Spy on Me" campaign; protests [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Replies to Hiawatha Bray's response, and whether the law is really the law after all [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Hiawatha Bray's response on wiretapping of journalists: the law's the law [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Perry Metzger's call to action on Feds' lawlessness, tapping [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Chinese blogger still has no lawyer because of "national security" concerns, four months later [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] EPIC asks FCC to investigate National Security Agency surveillance [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] EFF's Brad Templeton replies to PFF paper on digital rights management, DMCA [ip]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] PFF's Singleton defends digital rights management and the DMCA in new paper [ip]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Debate over AOL and spam-blocking between Suresh Ramasubramanian and Danny O'Brien [sp]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Republicans' election-year gambit: Targeting MySpace and social networking sites [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] RSF says Chinese security goons kidnapped a blogger [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] A downside of police surveillance and the Web: IDing pot smokers who committed no crime [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Forget a national ID: Homeland Security proposes global ID system [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Replies on Net neutrality -- and why new laws may be a bad idea [econ]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Net neutrality and peering policies: a technologist's perspective [econ]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Time to celebrate World Intellectual Property Day! Event in DC on Wednesday [ip]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Why conservatives and libertarians should oppose Net neutrality [econ]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Redlined version of Bush administration's proposal to expand DMCA [ip]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Cato event on Wednesday on DMCA, digital copyright [ip]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Congress readies new bill to expand DMCA, not shrink it [ip]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Bush administration proposes mandatory Web rating, with criminal penalties [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Debate over between Suresh Ramasubramanian and Danny O'Brien [sp]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Feds mull mandatory data retention laws for Internet service providers [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] The NYPD can take photos of you -- but you can't turn your lens on them [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] John Gilmore on and user control of spam filtering [sp]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Details on how works, and AOL's junk mail filtering [sp]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Why was blocked by AOL? Did recipients want the email messages? [sp]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Who owes taxes, in purchase involving California, North Carolina, Washington state? [econ]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] AOL blocks e-mails with links to anti-AOL protest site [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] A new tax gambit: Tax collectors start eyeing iTunes and download taxes [econ]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Texas government targets peer-to-peer software use on state computers [ip]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] DC area only: Computer security for activists workshop in Baltimore this evening [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] At tax time, state governments push to tax Internet sales [econ]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Attorney General won't rule out domestic warrantless taps [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] More on Dick Armey, Congress, and "Net neutrality" [econ]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Dick Armey, former House Majority Leader, takes aim at "Net neutrality" [econ]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Washington Supreme Court slaps down judge's no-posting injunction in Paul Trummel case [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Police in Florida strike back at critical journalist through the Web [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Sexist, racist comments on police message board cause political flap [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] CDT's John Morris replies to FEC's Internet regulations [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] More on a divide among libertarians on the Digital Millennium Copyright Act [ip]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Surveillance in the sky: Homeland Security wants aerial drones with cameras [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] FEC approves final Net regulations, thanks McCain, Feingold, Shays, Meehan [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Do journalist shield laws protect bloggers? An Illinois Bar Journal article [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] A divide among libertarians on DMCA: Cato says get rid of it [ip]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Google, MS, others ask Feds to mandate "Net neutrality" regulations [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Two new bills in Congress: Net neutrality, audio broadcast flag [ip]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] SMS 007 aims to protect cell phone SMS messages [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Pakistan government blocks blogs with cartoons of Muhammad [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Weekly column: Wacky New Jersey politico wants to outlaw anonymity [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Details of how Australian "e-passports" will work [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Lawsuit challenges law targeting Internet "annoyances" [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Feingold, Kennedy ask AT&T and others if they're in bed with NSA [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Sen. Specter plans legislation on NSA-surveillance program [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Delete web server logs, or get fined by the Feds? Ed Markey's new bill [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Two responses to AOL, Goodmail, and paying-to-send-Politech post [sp]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Yahoo, AOL, Goodmail and Politech: Paying so email goes through? [sp]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Replies to James DeLong's defense of Google's position on China [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Greek politicos had their mobile phones illegally tapped -- by whom? [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Survey: Google, MSN, AOL, Yahoo say what information they keep [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Google is right on China, by James DeLong [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Microsoft, Google, Yahoo reply to Congress on China censorship [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Send spurious nastygrams, get in trouble? Eric Goldman on liability [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Newspapers blast "exploitation, " want search engines to share profits [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Google-subpoena meets Google-China: Who has access? [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Barry Steinhardt on ACLU's map and NSA surveillance [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] NSA surveillance: EFF lawsuit; new white paper by ACLU
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] StarForce claims criticism of its anti-copying software is "harassment, " contacts FBI [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Ad in Capitol Hill newspaper calls for "patent trolls" to die [ip]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Tim Wu: Why should search engines retain records forever? [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Congress caught making false entries in Wikipedia [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Why the cybercrime treaty is privacy-invasive and worrisome, by James Plummer [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Google fixes the ban-beer-and-joke-site problem in China [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Legal FAQs about NSA wiretaps, by Peter Swire [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] In China, Google censors more than just politics: beer, dating, joke, gay sites too [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] R.W. Bradford, R.I.P. [econ]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Alberto Gonzales v. Google: the subpoena [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Reporters Without Borders calls for regulation of U.S. Internet companies [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech]'s Clinton Fein on new anti-annoying law [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Annoy a speed camera, be punished by police [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Detroit rail system now permits random police searches of passengers [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Request for help with survey on vulnerability disclosure
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] New law targets online activities designed "to annoy" others [fs]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Dozens of federal agencies track Web visitors illegally [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Feds begin "behavior monitoring" of air travelers this year [econ]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] NSA acted on its own to broaden domestic spying after 9/11 [priv]
Declan McCullagh
[Politech] Florida attorney general Charlie Crist, political spammer [sp]
Declan McCullagh