Ohio police were looking for Matt Stephen Taylor/proffr/mattd regarding 
alleged threats posted to an Independent Media Center website against 
Steven Roach, the policeman whose shooting of an unarmed black man led to 
riots in Cincinnati.

But the Australian cops nabbed him first. The charges seem to stem from the 
vandalism of a McDonald's outlet in Australia and disobeying police/prison 
guard instructions. Matt reports that a U.S. Secret Service agent showed up 
at his arrest in Australia.




From: "mattd" [address deleted --DBM]
Subject: jim bell diciple pleads guilty
Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2001 11:41:56 +1000

To 2 counts propety damage  on mayday and 3 counts misbehavior in 
prison(remanded over weekend)In spite of US ss agent at arrest and computor 
seized,still no assasination politics/threats charges laid 6 weeks 
later.(threats were allegedly made against an ohio police officer)After a 
psych work up sentencing is set for oct 4.1st offence so no further jail 
time likely.Bail terms are stay home and not post threatening text.new web 

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