Message forwarded with permission. Background on proffr from the archives:

Also see the most recent Politech message, in which the author of the 
following email, Matt Stephen Taylor/proffr/mattd, plead guilty to 
vandalizing a McDonald's restaurant:



From: "mattd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: urls and hearsay
Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2001 14:04:19 +1000


Im told the ohio GJ scene has gone dead.Im guilty on 2 counts of 
vandalism,mcdonalds and bhp,A co.that killed the fly river in 
png.Vandalism,like mcdonalds,you can see from space.Still you musnt take 
the law into your own hands:)
Pleading guilty to 3 counts of acting up in police lockup was hard as the 
cops behaved like...well,pigs.I made several serious complaints to the 
police ombudsman.
Ill be sentenced in oct 4 after magistrate reads a psych work up and 
possibly any computor charges may be laid.
Whats fascinating is going from a big headline'ASSASINATION PLOTS"page 
5.june 5.herald sun.(hun)to the invisible man.The police were alleging I 
was a dangerous anarchist making diabolical threats then they and their 
tame newspaper(the Hun)leave me loose as moose for 3 months.The Hun 
supplied the photos of me at the mayday demo straight to the police,btw.
Ive written to the secret service and the au feds to get on to the 
lazy,lying,thieving dingos in the vic police to "put up or shut 
up."They(vicfilth) are taking industrial action for more pay as we speak.As 
they've broken their oath to the queen (never to strike)Im calling for them 
all to be sacked.My 2 bail cons,down from 6,are stay at my adress and not 
post threats online.I dont see ASS/POL as threats so Im still promoting it 
at indymedia.With all the cryptanalysis in the news 'soft drills'needed 
more than ever.Luck declan,TIA.matt.

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