Background on Phil Zimmermann:


    By Ariana Eunjung Cha
    Washington Post Staff Writer
    Friday, September 21, 2001; Page E01

    The tears have come in the kitchen, the car and the shower, too.

    Like many Americans, Phil Zimmermann, a stocky, 47-year-old computer
    programmer, has been crying every day since last week's terrorist
    attacks. He has been overwhelmed with feelings of guilt.

    Zimmermann is the inventor of a computer program called Pretty Good
    Privacy, or PGP. He posted the tool for free on the Internet 10 years
    ago; it was the first to allow ordinary people to encrypt messages so
    only those with a "key" could read them. No government or law
    enforcement agency has been able to get in.

    People warned Zimmermann back then that he could be putting powerful
    technology into the wrong hands. He knew that was theoretically
    possible, but he also knew that the program could do good: His work
    created a way for people in oppressed countries to communicate without
    fear of retribution.

    Now the government is investigating whether Zimmermann's technology or
    another scrambler was used by the hijackers to coordinate last week's
    attacks, and U.S. lawmakers are calling for new restrictions on the
    use and distribution of the technology.


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