
Congress Weighs Anti-Terror Bill
By Declan McCullagh ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
2:00 a.m.  Sep. 25, 2001 PDT

WASHINGTON -- Few would have predicted it in the immediate aftermath of the 
Sept. 11 attacks, but Congress is not rushing to enact sweeping 
anti-terrorism laws.

Instead of acquiescing to Attorney General John Ashcroft's request for such 
laws immediately -- Ashcroft was hoping for final votes by last Saturday -- 
legislators seem to be carefully weighing how new laws will affect 
Americans' liberties.

On Monday afternoon, Ashcroft received a cordial but critical reception 
when he showed up in front of the House Judiciary committee to ask that 
members increase telephone and Internet wiretapping and permit police to 
indefinitely detain immigrants who are suspected terrorists.



Wiretap Bill Gets Third Degree
By Declan McCullagh ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
2:00 a.m.  Sep. 26, 2001 PDT

WASHINGTON -- President Bush's proposal to permit Internet surveillance 
without a court order drew sharp questions from senators on Tuesday.

Members of the Senate Judiciary committee appeared divided over whether the 
Mobilization Against Terrorism Act (MATA), which the Justice Department 
sent to Congress this week, was a vital anti-terrorism measure or an 
infringement of privacy.

It wasn't a partisan split: Left-leaning Dianne Feinstein of California and 
conservative icon Chuck Grassley of Iowa both wondered during Tuesday's 
hearing whether the administration's bill could be reworked -- just a bit 
-- to resolve some of their worries.


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