
From: "james alexander" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: News Article, RIAA internal document. (for distribution on politech)
Date: Wed, 03 Oct 2001 07:33:14 +0000


This article:

discusses an 'Internal Memos Outline RIAA's Strategy To Launch Offensive 
Against Peer-To-Peer Networks' obtained by dotcomscoop.


The memo concludes:
'Thus, we recommend (1) filing claims against FastTrack, MusicCity, and 
Grockster, (2) immediately thereafter initiating discussions with FastTrack 
about resolving our claims in a way that will provide us with useful 
information and testimony against MusicCity, and if possible obtain 
FastTrack's cooperation in shutting down or converting MusicCity and 
Grokster, and (4) continue forward with litigation against MusicCity, 
Grokster, and potentially Timberline Venture Partners.'

I thought that it was worthy of your attention.
Keep up the good work,

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