
Date: Sat, 6 Oct 2001 09:03:34 -0700 (PDT)
From: Dan Tsang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Declan McCullagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: UCLA e-mail poster loses one-week's pay

FYI.. the show mentioned below is now archived at:


Click on Latest Archived Show.

Feel free to circ.  Dan Tsang

9/11 Backlash in Academia

Irvine -- With tensions and patriotic fervor rising in the wake of 9/11,
academia has not been immune.  Four academics died in the attacks, but
casualties on campus continue.  Muslim student groups have come under
scrutiny as Congress considers enacting foreign student bans.  At
University of South Florida, a Palestinian computer science professor,
Sami Al-Arian, after being threatened, has been suspended with pay and
asked to stay off-campus.  And at UCLA's Young Research Library, a library
assistant has been suspended after he e-mailed colleagues a
pro-Palestinian message.

On Subversity Friday May 5, 2001 from 5-6 p.m. on KUCI, 88.9 fm in Orange
County, Calif. (Web-cast via http://kuci.org), we chat with Jonnie Hargis,
a library assistant and geographical information system specialist at
UCLA's research library.

Hargis was suspended without pay from September 17-21 after library
administrators decided his e-mail violated library policy (made public
after he was suspended).  The Daily Bruin today editorially called for
library adminstrators to apologize and give him his back pay.  Hargis is
represented by CUE, the clerical workers' union in the UC system.

To chat with Hargis, call 949 824-5824 during the show.


Freedom of speech under attack

YRL employee punished for political mass e-mail

graphic showing Hargis reprimand letter

Professor, Once the Subject of Terrorist Investigation, Is Placed on Leave
After He Receives Threats

Thanx for listening!

Daniel C. Tsang
Host, Subversity, Fridays, 5-6 p.m.
KUCI, 88.9 FM and Web-cast live via http://kuci.org
Subversity: http://go.fast.to/sv; E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Daniel Tsang, KUCI, PO Box 4362, Irvine CA 92616
UCI Tel: (949) 824-4978; UCI Fax: (949) 824-2700
UCI Office: 380 Main Library
Member, National Writers Union (http://www.nwu.org)
AWARE: http://go.fast.to/aware
WWW News Resource Page: http://go.fast.to/news
Personal home page: http://go.fast.to/ar

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