-------- Original Message --------

Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2004 10:37:14 -0400
From: "Trei, Peter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Nightclub implants RFID chips in patrons.
Cc: "Trei, Peter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dave: For IP, if you wish.

I realize that WND is not generally considered the best researched
of new sources, but Googling "Baja Beach Club" RFID' shows
numerous confirming articles. One of the best summaries is at:

Club site:
Click on 'VIP' to find a (Spanish) interview with the club director
concerning the chips.

The WND article discusses many other proposed uses for the
chips, some of which I include below.

Peter Trei




Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Paying for drinks with wave of the hand
Club-goers in Spain get implanted chips for ID, payment purposes
Posted: April 14, 2004
5:00 p.m. Eastern

By Sherrie Gossett

 Being recognized has never been easier for VIP patrons of the Baja Beach
Club in Barcelona, Spain.

 Like a scene out of a science-fiction movie, all it takes is a
syringe-injected microchip implant for the beautiful men and women of the
nightclub scene to breeze past a "reader" that recognizes their identity,
credit balance and even automatically opens doors to exclusive areas of the
club for them.

 They can buy drinks and food with a wave of their hand and don't need to
worry about losing a credit card or wallet.


Will the implant only be of use at the Baja?

 "The objective of this technology is to bring an ID system to a global
level that will destroy the need to carry ID documents and credit cards,"
Chase said.

 During a recent American radio interview, Chase said the CEO of VeriChip,
Dr. Keith Bolton, had told him that the company's goal was to market the
VeriChip as a global implantable identification system.


 Chase believes all gun owners should be required to have a microchip
implanted in their hand to be able to own a gun. While yesterday's
Associated Press story on the prototype is primarily from the angle of
police usage, WND reported two years ago that from the he outset of the
company's acquisition of its "Digital Angel" implant patent ñ said to be
GPS trackable ñ Applied touted the implant as a potential universal method
of gun control.

Chase also claimed that the VeriChip company had told him that the Italian
government was preparing to implant government workers.

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