I recently remarked in CTRL:
You know, if I am going to be falsely accused of being someone whom I am not, I would appreciate being accused of being someone I admire, and not frigging Chip Berlet.  That is truly annoying.  The man's writings put me to sleep.
How about James Wolcott.  James Wolcott is currently the most brilliant polemical writer on planet Earth, a status once held by Christopher Hitchens until booze wrecked his brain.  Accuse me of being Wolcott, and I'll happily go along with the nonsense.

LeaNder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I believe you're not Chip Berlet, can *I* have the $10,000? ;)

Were have you been? Better-of-said, long no time no see!

I think the $10.000 would be for the correct guess, not for telling
which is wrong?

I'll spare the audience further comments on the serious mental
distortion the simplified version of Sutton's Heglian dialectical
forces of history seem to cause in addictive brains.

But is what we are looking for a well read political analyst? actually
he might be right in front our eyes occasionally. Would we recognize
him somewhere else? I think he has a certain amount of humor
occasionally, maybe sarcasm at times. Has Berlet?



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