sean, what i said was that the nazis and the zionists work hand in hand.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Sean McBride 
  Sent: Friday, September 07, 2007 10:54 AM
  Subject: Re: [political-research] Israeli Gatekeepers in the "Psychedelic" 

  VH> i didnt say that bush was going to run out and join the aryan nation.

  Right.  I am just curious why some conspiracy theorists assign so much 
importance to the supposed role of Nazism in contemporary deep politics 
vis-a-vis neoconservatism and the Israel lobby, when there is so little 
empirical evidence to support the claim.  There are some Nazis out there, but 
they are on the political margins, not at the political center. There is 
nothing resembling a Nazi AIPAC in American politics.

  The Anglo establishment, as Phil Weiss has pointed out, has been enormously 
generous in sharing power in recent decades.  If the Anglo power elite still 
ruled the United States, there is not the slightest chance that we would have 
invaded Iraq.

  Do white ethnic nationalists control the New York Times, the Washington Post 
and the rest of the mainstream media?  No.  Have they controlled the Bush 43 
administration?  Definitely not.  Just take a close look at the composition of 
the administration.  Be empirical.

  Do neocons have a major interest in hyping the threat of Nazism and 
distracting attention from their own exercise and abuses of power?  Yes.  And 
some gatekeepers in the "psychedelic" community are on the same page with that 

  Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    i didnt say that bush was going to run out and join the aryan nation.

      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: Sean McBride 
      Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2007 11:03 PM
      Subject: Re: [political-research] Israeli Gatekeepers in the 
"Psychedelic" Community

      There is a major difference between being a powerful white guy and being 
a militant white nationalist or white supremacist.  Similarly, being a powerful 
African-American doesn't automatically make one a militant black nationalist 
and being a powerful Jew doesn't automatically make one a militant Jewish 
nationalist.  Ethnic nationalist movements (like Nazism and Zionism) require 
systematic and explicit organization and propaganda to survive and thrive.

      Most expressions of ethnic nationalism have been delegitimized in 
American politics, with the notable exception of one major group: 
neoconservatives.  Neocons have heavily populated the Bush 43 administration.  
To the best of my knowledge, white nationalists have played no role at all.  As 
a Christian Zionist, GWB is a member of a Jewish ethnic nationalist cult, not a 
white nationalist cult.  His weepy melodramatic statements about his beliefs in 
this cult lead one to believe that he is completely sincere -- like John Hagee 
and many other Christian fundamentalists, he has been authentically brainwashed.

      There are many rumors floating around about an ongoing affair between GWB 
and Condoleezza Rice -- it's not clear that he harbors any bigotry against 
African-Americans.  Katrina can perhaps be chalked up to massive incompetence 
and indifference, not active racist malice.

      The history of cooperation between Nazism and Zionism is fascinating -- 
but of course both sides hated one another while using one another.  
Cooperation between ethnic nationalist movements with conflicting values tends 
to be highly volatile.

      Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
        i think "katrina" speaks for itself.  are you saying that the "bush 
cime family" is not a "white nationalist movement?"  perhaps it's an 
"internationalist" movement.  i dont think bush and rove are going to come out 
and SAY they dont like the bruthas anytime soon.  just thought it was 
interesting that the nazis and the zionists actually do have a history of 
working together.

          ----- Original Message ----- 
          From: Sean McBride 
          Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2007 8:28 PM
          Subject: Re: [political-research] Israeli Gatekeepers in the 
"Psychedelic" Community

          I would love to see a list of white ethnic nationalists or white 
supremacists who are active in the contemporary American power elite (members 
of the CFR, Forbes billionaires, etc.).  Who are they?  George W. Bush is a 
Christian Zionist, not a Nazi.  Karl Rove has no history of involvement in 
white nationalist movements.  The neocons, on the other hand, many dozens of 
them, are all militant Jewish ethnic nationalists.  So: your list?

          I can think of only one white nationalist who is connected at a low 
level to the neocons (via David Horowitz): David Gaubatz.  Anyone else?

          Nazis in the 1930s cooperated with Zionists only in the sense of 
strongly encouraging them to leave Germany and Europe.

          The present year is ***2007***! :)  One needs to update one's deep 
politics database on a regular basis.

          Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
            well, as lenni brener shows in 51 DOCUMENTS, the zionists and the 
nazis worked together.  then as now.  rove's and bush's family involvements 
with the nazis are well known.

              ----- Original Message ----- 
              From: Sean McBride 
              To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; 
              Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2007 9:31 AM
              Subject: [political-research] Israeli Gatekeepers in the 
"Psychedelic" Community

              Check out the following hilarious post.  Regarding EQ -- 
Empiricism Quotient: there is barely a reference to a single person or 
organization that is associated with the foreign policies of the Bush 43 
administration, the Iraq War and the Global War on Terror!  Supposedly "Nazis" 
are running the show (probably the biggest and loudest meme in the 
neoconservative psyche and propaganda system).

              The author fails to mention any specific Nazis, Nazi 
organizations or Nazi documents in play in the Bush 43 administration.  He also 
fails to mention any of the following organizations strongly associated with 
neoconservatism and the Israel lobby which ARE in play, in a highly visible 
way.  Are we dealing with a neocon op here, or honest cognitive issues and 
problems?  I honestly don't know. (Yet again, the members of this particular 
gatekeeping camp breeze by the reality that the Bush 41 inner circle has 
strongly opposed the neoconservative and Christian Zionist policies of the Bush 
43 administration -- an immovable empirical reality that blows their world 
model to pieces.)

              Some key neoconservative organizations which have dominated the 
Bush 43 administration:

              1. ADL (Anti-Defamation League)
              2. AEI (American Enterprise Institute)
              3. AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee)
              4. AJC (American Jewish Committee)
              5. American Thinker
              6. B'nai B'rith International
              7. Benador Associates
              8. Birthright Israel
              9. CAMERA (Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in 
              10. Christian Coalition
              11. CNP (Council for National Policy)
              12. Commentary
              13. Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish 
              14. CPD (Committee on the Present Danger)
              15. CSP (Center for Security Policy)
              16. CUFI (Christians United for Israel)
              17. David Horowitz Freedom Center
              18. DLC (Democratic Leadership Council)
              19. FDD (Foundation for Defense of Democracies)
              20. Federalist Society
              21. Fox News
              22. Free Republic
              23. Freedom's Watch
              24. FrontPage Magazine
              25. Henry Jackson Society
              26. Heritage Foundation
              27. Hollinger International
              28. Hoover Institution
              29. Hudson Institute
              30. Jewish Press
              31. Jewish World Review
              32. JINSA (Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs)
              33. Kissinger Associates
              34. Likud
              35. Manhattan Institute
              36. MEMRI (Middle East Media Research Institute)
              37. Middle East Forum
              38. Mossad
              39. MSNBC
              40. National Review
              41. New Republic
              42. New York Daily News
              43. New York Post
              44. New York Sun
              45. New York Times
              46. NewsMax
              47. NJDC (National Jewish Democratic Council)
              48. One Jerusalem
              49. OSP (Office of Special Plans)
              50. PNAC (Project for the New American Century)
              51. PPI (Progressive Policy Institute)
              52. RJC (Republican Jewish Coalition)
              53. Saban Institute for Middle East Policy
              54. Shalem Center
              56. U.S. News & World Report
              57. Wall Street Journal
              58. Washington Post
              59. Weekly Standard
              60. WINEP (Washington Institute for Near East Policy)
              61. WorldNetDaily
              62. ZOA (Zionist Organization of America)

              muckblit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
                Ignores years of obscene oilco profits.

                Ignores continuity of four generations of Bush backing Hitler 
from the
                1920's, then Hitlers shah, Guatemala, Argentina, Chile, 
                Greece, Saddam, etc, twice-un-elected GWB, pre-emptive war.

                Ignores hundreds of years of Sax-Gothburg "german fraternity 
Skull and
                Bones operating with neocons formerly called Rosicrucians 
                ago, then Rothschilds, coldwar Schlesinger liberals, op Max 
                neocons like Joseph Alsop led US into Vietnam non-strategic 

                CIA, Aramco, Houston oilmen, Rockefeller, same org. 19th century
                Robber Barons backed Hitler, with Prescott Bush managing 
                Hitler's Economy which was a utopia financed with US spoils of 
                Robber Barons, including Rockefeller. Sean wants to focus only 
on the
                Jewish bankers and neocons, making two entities invisible:


                Big oil.

                We ought to notice instead the continuity of four generations 
of Bush
                and years of obscene oilco profits during Iraqwar.

                Sean must have read Greg Palast's book, Armed Madhouse, which 
                into detail on the Sax Goatburger(burg, burger is derived from
                biblical Pergamos. Goat-Pergamos is satan's seat and has been 
                years) scheme for Iraq to keep oil in the ground. The hundred 
year old
                Brit plan and Houston oilmen and Saudi plan was to keep the oil 
in the
                ground, using pretense of drilling first, then by keeping one 
                oil company under OPEC quota. Neocons upset that with their
                idealogical privatization effort, which does tend to 
destabilize the
                mideast and invite non-US participation. Sean just gets it 
wrong by
                portraying nazis and oilmen as non-entities. The same people 
                money off of weapons and war, and are profiting handsomely on 
oil, and
                6000 tons a year of opium from Afghanistan since US colonialist 
                liberated the poppies and nothing else. Oilco and warco are only
                profiting from neocon destabilization of Iraq, and 
privatization of
                oil would only excuse price-gouging and higher arms spending. 
May I
                notice "who benefits"? The two parties Sean makes invisible, 
nazis and
                big oil, benefit.


                --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "mark urban" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
                > Sean wrote:
                > Mark Urban and his fellow cia-druggies have still been unable 
                > explain how American oil companies are going to profitably 
                > oil 
                > from a region of the world in which the natives, thanks to 
Israel and 
                > the neoconservatives, view them as their most dangerous and 
                > enemies. Russia, China, India and Europe are ready to pounce 
on the 
                > enormous opportunity that that the neocons have provided them.
                > Ok, Mr. Sean. let me try to break this down for you:
                > If Iraq is a giant shit storm like Lebanon, then little or 
nothing is 
                > going to happen. The killing and infighting will just wear 
away the 
                > infrastructure. Iraq will be left with a puppet government 
and those 
                > many firebases and that huge embassy (almost the size of the 
                > vatican) in Baghdad.
                > As long as nobody can do much with Iraq's oil because of the 
                > war and turmoil, then the oil will not get to market and 
there will 
                > be 
                > less supply. By every kind of primitive economics I know that 
                > the 
                > supply line shifts in such a way as to intersect the price 
line at a 
                > higher intersecting point. Therefore, prices are higher and 
will stay 
                > higher.
                > What other benefits are there? 
                > Well with all that military hardware in the region, do you 
think the 
                > oil producing neighbors are going to piss on uncle sam's leg? 
Do you 
                > think they'll do nasty little things like stop using 
                > you 
                > think they'll want some of what Iraq got?
                > Remember the Plot from GOLDFINGER? The plan was not to steal 
the gold 
                > in Fort Knox, just make it radioactive and unavailable. Then 
                > Goldfinger's supply of gold would become much more valuable. 
                > You see, my dear lil' buddy Sean, sometimes your itty bitty 
                > just 
                > has to work a little bit harder to understand the big picture.


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