The main problem with the no-planers: vicious fanaticism and intolerance.  They 
have expended much more energy in attacking the most effective voices in the 
9/11 Truth Movement than in going after the most likely suspects for 9/11.  We 
don't know that they are a COINTELPRO-style op, but we do know that this is 
precisely what such an op would look like.

9/11 truth seekers should keep an open mind about competing theories concerning 
the who, how and why of 9/11 until all the facts are in, and treat opposing 
views with civility as part of the truth-seeking process.  The no-planers have 
attempted to disrupt and destroy this amity at every turn.

The HOW of 9/11 strikes me as a minor detail -- I am much more interested in 
the WHO, WHY and what's next on the dance card in the campaign to instigate 
World War IV.

John Leonard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                                 At 
10/31/2007  11:00 AM, you wrote:
Most likely because the no planers are a hoax.  Attempting to rationalize with 
them is impossible - it seems that when they have fixated on this issue they 
aren't able to listen to any reason or logic.
 The evidence that no planers are way out in left field is fairly overwhelming 
and anyone who looks at thier evidence - objectively - can see this.
 It seems that the rest of the Truth Movement is trying hard to either show the 
no-planers some reason - mostly they wont listen - and since thier lineo f 
thought does NOTHING but hurt the truth movement, I suspect this is why AJ 
isn;t putting up with the garbage.  
 The whole theory does more harm than good.
 Even if it is correct (and I havent seen any evidence save fuzzy video to say 
it is) the no planers are doing more harm than good in trying to further the 
movement. Even f they are correct, the believablility factor is such that 
anyone who was on the edge of considering 9/11 as an inside job, immediatley is 
turned off by this far out theory.
 I will second Andy Long.

 My father was "into" conspiracy theories like the Money Masters. He was right 
about a great many things, as I realized after he passed away. But 
unfortunately, he had also picked up a couple poison pills. 
 He used to try like anything to win me over to the alternative viewpoint. I'd 
listen politely, and he would make some yardage, but then he would mention the 
Nephelin, the shape-shifting reptilians. 
 Well, a course in biology was part of my education, and creatures that can 
change their shape between human and reptile are just too big a stretch. 
 My very strong reaction was to throw out everything else he had said and stick 
with my mainstream vanilla conformity. 
 Decades of work out the window!

 TV fakery might not even be as big a stretch as Nephelins, but if you have 
tried as hard as I have to explain basic stuff like free fall speed and 
explosive demolition, and see people rationalize, change the subject, appeal to 
authority and every other fallacy in the book, instead of facing what's clear 
as a sunny day, so that you still can't make a bit of headway - well, let's put 
it this way: 

 It's so hard to get a day in court with the brainwashed public, that you 
definitely want to present ONLY your best evidence when you get a chance to 
make your case. 


 Any no-planers who are truely in this to help out and strengthen the movement 
can see this - its obvious - so those who continue despite this fact are then 
thrown in a catagory (correct or not) of "disinfo" artists - thier intent is 
viewed as trying to hurt the progression, not help.
 So, I imagine until the no-planers can step up with some evidence that passes 
critical thinking tests, they will continue to be viewed as the 'bad guys' of 
the truth movement.
 Right or wrong, its how I read the situation.
   ----- Original Message ----- 
   From: Ray Antoky 
   Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2007 11:31 AM
   Subject: [911TruthAction] 9/11 Video Fakery Prison Planet

   Just attempted to post a new article on Prison Planet broaching the 
   idea of video fakery and presenting a mild argument for fake planes 
   such as soft noses can't penetrate steel builings and a plane can't 
   enter a building whole without breaking etc. Innocent enough on a 
   supposedly open forum. Guess what? I was IMMEDIATELY BANNED from using 
   the forums. How can that be? I thought Alex Jones was the premier 
   expert on every conspiracy under the sun. I thought he was a friend to 
   all the downtrodden mind-controlled manipulated folks. I thought he 
   was the savior. Could it be that he is really a BAD GUY? Thta he does 
   not want his minions to know that 9/11 was a hoax? A video joke on the 
   world? What is left to believe in if I can't trust Prison Planet? What 
   site can I go to for real inside honest info that is not controlled by 
   the enemy? Rense? Rumor Mill News?Any suggestions? TV fakery is 
   completely banned at the Prison Planet forum. How can that be? Don't 
   those nice people want to be informed?
   Poor me, I need a new messiah.
   Ray Antoky, Brooklyn 


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