Quite right, Bond. What a load of garbage. You seem to believe all the 
environmental cassandras and their unsubstantiated points about peak oil, which 
is definitely NOT widely accepted by those who understand things. You seem to 
think that a 4 to 5 degree increase in the planet's temperature over the next 
century is going to wipe humans out, or perhaps, from your words, the whole 

Humans are very adaptive, and smarter than you seem to think. Free societies 
like the ones you describe are very well endowed with an ability to change, 
adapt and thrive under even extreme conditions. If, by some miracle, the Limits 
to Growth pan out like its authors said (40 or more years too late), then we 
will simply use different things. Thank your individual freedom for your 

Besides, we will never run out of these resources because, as any economist can 
tell you, as something becomes scarcer, its price increases; and as it becomes 
rare, its costs are astronomical. We will never run out of oil because it will 
simply cost too much to extract the last drop. We will find less expensive 
substitutes long before that happens.

Here is another crazy idea for you: the US is not going to war with Iran. Its 
military is stretched too far with Iraq and Afghanistan (and half of the rest 
of the world), and the American people are too war weary to endorse another 
war. And don't waste your breath with that stuff about not needing the people's 
buy in to wage war--yes, the US government will definitely need a huge amount 
of support from its people and the rest of the world if it wants to attack 
Iran. It won't get it, therefore it won't go to war with Iran.

You also seem to think that these cyclical economic conditions are permanent. 
Just like investors who do not understand the history of the markets they 
invest in believe the bull or bear they are in at the time will last forever, 
left wingers who do not understand capitalism think that the recession they are 
in will last for hundreds of years. It won't. In a few years, everyone will 
have forgotten about it and spirits will be high again.

Currencies pegged to the dollar will simply unpeg them. Many economies have 
already done so to one degree or another.

What is happening now in the US is that the chickens are coming home to roost. 
People borrowed too much, correct, and now they are paying for it. If they are 
smart, they will learn from it and begin to save more. If they do not learn 
from history, they will repeat it. Too bad for them.

Lastly, the planet is fine. Humans, trees and fish might die but the planet has 
survived much more than us before. It will be around a long time after we get 
shown the door. Please do not be so arrogant as to think humankind has the 
ability to destroy this planet.

If you want to help save natural resources, be a leader and turn off your 
computer. If you are going to post this kind of thing, at least put some real 
analysis into it. The group is political research, not silly scaremongering. 
Thank you.


--- On Fri, 9/19/08, Bruce Porteous <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: Bruce Porteous <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [political-research] A WORLD FALLING APART - WHERE TO FROM HERE?
Received: Friday, September 19, 2008, 11:23 PM



What is 
happening to this world we live in?  
Why is the future looking so uncertain?  Will the planet survive?
After years of 
continual increasing economic growth around the world, the planet is struggling 
to provide the natural resources to meet the demands of a growing global 
population with increasing expectations by the undeveloped nations to have the 
same privileges and standard of living as the west.
Yet the planet 
is running out of the natural resources to maintain the economic growth that 
occurred over the last 20 years.  
The ever increasing demands for fossil fuels, minerals, water, arable 
land and energy to maintain growth can not be sustained.  The cost of obtaining 
natural resources 
and producing food continues to increase, as the supply diminishes.
While it widely 
accepted that the consummation of oil is outstripping supply, no thought 
to be given by our leaders on how society will function without petroleum to 
provide cheap energy.  What of 
future generations – what type of world will they inherit?
Along with the 
demand for increased material resources the rush to urbanization is placing 
unsustainable demands on the planet for the supply of water and food to 
the essentials of life.  This is 
causing increasing instability to the global weather patterns, global warming, 
polluted air, destruction of arable soils and water.
Yet few seem 
willing to accept the reality that the planet can not continue consuming these 
non-renewable resources at the rate it has been doing.  Demand can not continue 
to grow for 
these resources indefinitely.  
Unless the world develops an alternative economic model which is not 
depended on consuming non-renewable natural resources then the planet is headed 
for destruction.  
To meet the 
demand to finance continued growth in consumption governments have created 
to provide the liquidity to enable their populations purchase goods and 
services; and in turn provide more taxation revenue for governments to regulate 
our lives.  As the demand for 
natural resources grows faster than the supply, the increase money in 
circulation to finance consumption is now creating global inflation or the 
erosion in the value of paper money.  
Inflation is caused by the supply of money exceeding the growth of the 
productive capacity of a country to supply goods and services.
The worst 
offender in consuming non-renewable resources has been the USA, which consumes 
much more of the planets natural resources than any other nation. This has 
largely been financed by printing US dollars or borrowing dollars from our 
creditors.  This in turn has flooded 
the world with liquidity; provide the capital for many developing economies to 
increase their consumption, putting an unsustainable demand on the planets 
The recent 
global credit crisis has been bought about because of the lack of confidence in 
the Anglo-Saxon nations by their creditors to be able to continual borrow money 
from external sources to finance domestic consumption, while saving almost 
nothing themselves.  No nation can 
continually borrow money indefinitely to finance domestic consumption.  Now the 
Anglo-Saxon nations are faced 
with the dilemma of declining real incomes, and high debt servicing 
There has been 
some stability recently on the currency markets but this will only be short 
lived.  Once overseas investors lose 
confidence in funding the debt of the Anglo-Saxon nations their economies will 
go into free-fall, resulting in total economic collapse.
This drive for 
economic growth at all costs is about to explode.  If continued it will lead to 
destruction of the ability of the planet to sustain life and global political 
instability.  Yet our political 
leaders seem to lack the ability to make the changes or even talk about the 
topic seriously to prevent mankind from destroying the planet’s ability to 
maintain life.  
This pursuit of 
greed to satisfy the material lusts of its people the world is now facing an 
imminent crisis that will result in the precursor of great economic and 
political upheaval of the planet.  
While one can not be exactly sure on when these events will unfold, the 
sequence will as follows:

  Conflict in the Middle East – the growing tensions between Iran, 
  USA and Israel is heading unavoidably towards military conflict, with no 
  indication of any resolution being achieved.  Such a conflict, which will 
  unavoidably involve the USA in support of Israel, would unleash a 
  disaster on the global financial and energy markets.

  The lack of confidence in the US dollar, resulting in its collapse 
  and a switch to the Euro as the world’s reserve currency.

  The collapse of currencies tied to the US dollar, causing great 
  economic and political hardship for these people.

  A total economic collapse of the debt-ridden Anglo-Saxon nations 
  leading to their people sliding into absolute poverty, starvation, break-down 
  in law and order and wide spread disease.

  The emergence of the Euro-zone as being the dominant economic 
  power, imposing its will upon the world on how they will administer their 
  governments, trade, and regulate the conduct their people in conducting their 

  An economic recovery to take place with the Euro being the only 
  international reserve currency.  
  Without the Anglo-Saxon nations competing for the limited global 
  natural resources there will be sufficient non-renewable resources to support 
  a new time of prosperity for much of the world.

  Meanwhile the Anglo-Saxon nations ( USA , Britain , Canada , Australia and 
  Zealand ) will be taken over, their people 
  placed into slavery, their resources plundered, and they placed under the 
  administration of foreign powers.
Unless there is 
an alternative economic model adopted by the world, eventually the planet will 
be destroyed by mankind.  It will 
only be with the established of one worldwide government ruled under the 
jurisdiction of Jesus Christ, implementing the Laws of God does the planet have 
any hope of preventing its destruction and unable to support life.   These Laws 
will provide equity for 
everyone, prosperity, social justice, and an economic model which will allow 
planet to survive within the natural resources available.
24 August, 





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