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Related Alternative News by corbettreport on 9/21/08

Internet attacks on 9/11 Truth intensify
Cloned YouTube accounts just latest move toward limiting political
speech on internet

James Corbett
The Corbett Report
21 September, 2008

Internet censorship is once again in the news after legendary YouTube
user Nuffrespect posted a new video detailing the latest online attack
on 9/11 Truth: a user who is creating clones of respected user accounts
and truth movement leaders in order to smear 9/11 Truth by posting
racist comments. These have already led to the deletion of several
well-known accounts in what has been revealed as a coordinated effort
to eliminate 9/11 Truth from YouTube.

This is in addition to the news that YouTube deleted a number of videos
and accounts last week at the behest of Senator Joe Lieberman.

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