Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Lieberman: ‘I Worry
About’ Whether Obama Has ‘The Right Stuff To Bomb Iran’ via Think
Progress by Matt on 10/8/08
In an interview with the right-wing magazine Newsmax yesterday, Sen.
Joe Lieberman (I-CT) called Sen. Barack Obama’s worldview “naive.”
Asked if Obama had “the right stuff to bomb Iran if it came to that
level,” Lieberman replied, “I worry about that“:

ASHLEY MARTELLA: Alirght, Iran has sworn to exterminate Israel as well
as attack the United States. Does Barack Obama have the right stuff to
bomb Iran if it came to that level?

SEN. JOE LIEBERMAN: Well, I worry about that. I worry that Sen. Obama’s
world view is naive. Sen. McCain has been around awhile. He’s learned
some things. I’ve traveled the world with him a lot. He’s, he will be
the kind of president who our allies will trust, but who our enemies
will fear. And in a dangerous world, al Qaeda, Iran, Iran trying to get
a nuclear weapons, we want a president who our enemies will fear. I
don’t believe that Sen. Obama will be that kind of president. I believe
he’s naive to think that people like Ahmadinejad and Tehran Iran will
somehow become America’s friend just by…

MARTELLA: Talking to them unilaterally.

LIEBERMAN: Talking to them in a warm embrace and a cup of tea. It’s not
going to work that way. Sen. McCain knows there’s evil as well good in
the world and he’ll confront evil directly in order to protect our
security and that of our allies.

Watch it (starts around 4:45):

Lieberman has never been shy about how the prospect of bombing Iran is
a major issue for him. In June 2007, he declared that “we have to be
prepared to take aggressive military action against the Iranians.” In
May 2008, he said that airstrikes against Iran were “a distinct

As for McCain, in April 2007, he sang, “Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran.”

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