Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Mufin lets you discover
new music with science via by Josh Lowensohn on 10/8/08
Launching in private beta on Wednesday is Mufin, a Berlin-based music
discovery service that helps users find similar tracks based on
identifiers within a song. It scans each track for its density, tempo,
and rhythm, then draws comparisons with other songs that match. What
you get is a system that lets you find similar tracks by sound, even if
they cross multiple genres.

Last week I chatted with Petar Djekic, the service's marketing manager,
about this process and its origins. What's interesting is that it's a
spinoff from the technology that was created to identify songs from
short clips--the same thing that's found in Midomi and Shazam. The
difference here is that songs must first be worked through the
time-intensive cataloging process which takes somewhere between two and
three days per 10- to 20-track album.

The upside of this long process if that the information gets fed into a
massive search engine which assigns a percentage of similarity from
track to track. It can also do the same for albums, so if you're in
love with the specific work from an artist you can see other entire
albums you might like.

You might have wondered what other songs are similar to Rick
Astley's 'Never Gonna Give You Up.' Mufin knows.
(Credit: CNET Networks)
You might be asking yourself how this could be at all useful in an age
where two of the highest profile MP3 players (iPod and Zune) now have
built-in recommendation tools both on the player hardware and computer
software. Djekic's answer to this is that both of these solutions, as
well as those found on and, are all based on user
behavior. You can get similar tracks, but not without some effort
either on your end or that of other users. Djekic says anyone can
simply come to Mufin with their existing library and get a list of
related tracks without having to make friends or provide ratings.

In addition to its search tool, Mufin provides a playlist creator for
tracks that have streaming rights. You can't share these playlists with
anyone else (yet), but you can save them for later, as well as pop them
out in their own window to play while you're off doing other things. If
you're more keen to own the tracks the service is integrated with
iTunes, and soon Amazon's MP3 store, so you can buy what you like.

All in all, Mufin is a really cool and handy service, although I'm not
sure it can scale when only two or three albums are being processed per
week. There are already 3.8 million tracks in the catalog, but if you
do the math for what it takes to get new music in there, it's going to
get backed up very quickly. Maybe a better solution would be to
crowdsource some of that processing (a la [EMAIL PROTECTED]) in return for
free track downloads.

The service is currently in private beta, although we've got 100
invites to give out. To get yours, visit the service through this link.

Note: is owned by CNET parent company CBS Interactive.

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