*the demand of Sharia law*
*to along with judaic and catholic religious legal systems.*

*the good news!*

*America is a secular nation.*
On Tuesday, October 18, 2016 at 9:34:30 AM UTC-5, Travis wrote:
> *The excerpt below was written by M. Zudhi Jasser in April 2009.. That 
> Muslims who support Islamic Fundamentalism now have appointments in all 
> levels of federal government is unimpeachable.  What will Hillary do? 
> Certainly many of the above may be shunted aside to be replaced by Hillary 
> insiders. However, the influence of the decade- plus Islamist leadership in 
> this country, hand in glove with progressives, will maintain a dominant 
> influence in political decision-making. New judges will bend backwards to  
> accommodate the demand of Sharia law while Muslim immigrants will flow 
> relentlessly into this country. Their birth rates soar and the dissension 
> among their children, fueled by hate. will cause a permanent disruption in 
> this country.*
> http://www.mzuhdijasser.com/5280/obama-stacking-deck-with-islamists
> Obama Administration Stacking the Deck with Islamists
> First just review some of the activities and commentary of Beltway 
> Islamists since the transition and the Inauguration. On January 8th, the 
> Congressional 
> Muslim Staffers Association 
> <http://www.onenationforall.org/content/view/438/102/> sent out an email 
> announcing 
> <http://www.aifdemocracy.org/library/email-010809-on-inaugural-event.docx> 
> that they would be hosting an inaugural gala titled, "Muslim Inauguration 
> Gala". Guests included Congressman Keith Ellison, (D-MN), Cong. Andre 
> Carson (D-IN), "Representatives of the Obama Administration", Rev. Walter 
> Fauntroy (DC-Delegate), Zaid Shakir and Hamza Yusef (of the Zaytuna 
> Institute), Fmr. Capt. James Yee, Senegalese President Abduolaye Wade, CAIR 
> Michigan Director, Dawud Walid, and Johari Abdul-Malik of the Muslim 
> Alliance of North America. This list reads like a Who's Who of leading 
> Islamists in the United States, all of whom share the ideological framework 
> of political Islam and the Muslim Brotherhood. One need not look far to see 
> the types of ideas shared by these Muslims. For example, Mr. Johari 
> Abdul-Malik spoke just last year at a July 2008 London conference of the 
> "Radical Middle Way". This Radical Middle Way, sadly British government 
> supported, is an ideological outgrowth of the ideas of Sheikh Yusef 
> Qaradawi <http://www.investigativeproject.org/profile/167>, spiritual 
> leader of the Muslim Brotherhood. Abdul-Malik stated the following about 
> the Obama campaign and Islamist activism in a speech entitled "Can 
> Muslims Trust Obama? 
> <http://www.radicalmiddleway.co.uk/videos.php?&t=1&art=164&page_164=1>"
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