Keith In Tampa
     Bush was never caught "doing it" without
    legislation or Presidential Order, both being "legal".
    HERE is the Constitution -- the Law of the Land -- do
    cite the Article, Section and Clause or Amendment
      a. provides Congress with the Power To make such
      b. provides the Executive with the Power To decree
          such a power unto himself.

Keith in Tampa
    I suggest that you read my whole post.

Reading your post ANSWERS the question offered in response
to the claim presented?  Nope ... not there.


This week, President Bush said that Congress needs
to give him more power to spy on Americans by
making changes to the Protect America Act. Did
you ever notice they always give these pieces
of legislation names you can't disagree with?
The "Protect America Act." ... Give it a fair
name. At least call it the "Ignore The
Constitution Act."   -- Jay Leno, The Tonight Show

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