Rob, wrote:
It may be possible to force 32-bit mode with
./configure CFLAGS='-arch i386 -O3' CXXFLAGS='-arch i386 -O3' \
CCASFLAGS='-arch i386'

Did you try with the CXXFLAGS option as well?  From what I can tell
CFLAGS is only used in C
programs not in the C++ parts such as x86_dep.cpp.

It does work when I do set all three of CFLAGS CXXFLAGS and CCASFLAGS. Yet
again I need to specify -arch i386 in my make files when I link Poly/ML
programs. Is there any reason for or against compiling Poly/ML for the 32
bit architecture?

The original reason I suggested it was as a fall-back in case the 64-bit build didn't work. It seems that Mac OS X doesn't use the no-execute bit in 32-bit mode so the -segprot option wasn't needed. As Makarius said in his posting, 64-bit mode requires roughly twice as many bytes of memory as 32-bit mode. Also a few features of the FFI (CInterface) don't work in 64-bit mode. The big advantage of 64-bit mode is that if you have the memory you're freed from the 32-bit address limit.

One thing that won't hurt me at the moment, but may affect other users is
that the configure script is not finding the X Windows installation that
comes with MacOS X. As far as I can see this is just because the test it
uses needs to specify -L/usr/X11R6/lib. uses the AC_PATH_X macro to set the include and library path. I can't find /usr/X11R6/lib hardcoded anywhere. See
I don't know why this isn't working.

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