Currently there isn't any straightforward ways of doing any of these. They are all things that would be nice to have and we may get round to doing as part of the general improvements in user-interface. Some of the hooks are there to do these kinds of things but they're not very apparent. We're working on providing support for an IDE and there is a development version of a jEdit plugin in the SVN repository.

Ramana Kumar wrote:
Is there a way to look at the contents (i.e. signature) of a structure
without opening it?

It's possible to put the various primitive functions together to this.

    open PolyML
    open NameSpace
    fun showStruct structName =
        prettyPrint(TextIO.print, 70 (* line width*))
            (displayStruct(valOf(#lookupStruct globalNameSpace structName),
               1000(*depth*), globalNameSpace))

Also, is it possible to retrieve the long path of an identifier in
scope? Something that will, for example, take the rev in scope and say
that it came from List.

The compiler does maintain the declaration location of identifiers and in the experimental IDE it's possible to click on an identifier and go to the source file where it was declared.

Finally, what about searching for an identifier that would come into
scope if you opened some structures?

Again, it's possible that there are hooks already to do this but they aren't easily accessible. All this could be done with time but it really requires someone to work on improving all this.

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