On Tue, 21 Jun 2011, Aleks Kissinger wrote:

Say, for instance, I have a stack of names and an (expensive) function from names to bools. I'd like to spawn a handful of workers and wait for them to finish. The workers then pop names off, compute the boolean function and push the names back on to "true" and "false" stacks. This kind of setup should be pretty straightforward to implement, but a few pointers as far as what structs to use and how to use them would be useful.

The main entry point for Isabelle/Pure parallel programming is structure Future.

What is the purpose of the stack in the above application? It reminds me a little of the task queue that is already managed in the Future implementation, and is a bit more complex. (Its general policy is FIFO, with optional priorities or dependencies.)

If the above is meant to be a parallel version of List.partition, it could be done like that:

  fun parallel_partition pred list =
    List.partition I (Par_List.map pred list);

Structure Par_List in src/Pure/Concurrent/par_list.ML can serve as general introduction to managed evaluation with futures. (There are a few special things concerning parallel exception handling in this library.)

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