Thanks for the update!

I'm going to try and update TheoryMine to the latest Isabelle, that way
I'll get to play with all that cool new work you've been doing :)

On 13 December 2014 at 02:15, Makarius <> wrote:

> On Fri, 12 Dec 2014, Lucas Dixon wrote:
>  If you really want plain SML'97, then your best approach might be to
>> cannibalize Isabelle, pull out it's build system, and hack it's IDE a
>> little, and build your own SML'97 IDE. But this is probably quite a big
>> task.
> Lucas, we've had many private discussions about that in the past, so lets
> continue that publicly now.
> What I've done in Isabelle2014 is the following:
>   * The Isabelle/Pure/PIDE environment is able to include strict SML'97
>     modules with their own toplevel ML name space: command 'SML_file'.
>   * It is possible to move toplevel bindings back and forth between the
>     Isabelle/ML and SML environment: command 'SML_import' and
>     'SML_export'.
> In $ISABELLE_HOME/src/Tools/SML/Examples.thy there are some tiny examples
> to illustrate that, e.g. the Isabelle/ML function Output.writeln is re-used
> for SML to make output actually visible in the IDE and not get lost on bare
> stdout via TextIO.print etc.
> Another example is to re-use the Isabelle/ML combinator for
> SML: it provides already some realistic parallel programming facility at
> very little cost for an existing program.
> Many things can be imagined beyond this:
>   * Some way to single-out SML programs for standalone builds, without the
>     Isabelle or PIDE framework around it.
>   * Some way to allow multiple simultaneous arguments for SML_file: the
>     compiler could be instructed to find signature/structure/functor
>     definitions according to certain naming conventions of source files,
>     without requiring the usual sequential load order of the logical
>     framework.
>   * Emulation of the SML/NJ make system, to allow easy inclusion of other
>     SML projects.
> As a start, I am considering to make a stand-alone Isabelle/SML/PIDE
> distribution next time.  I have already reduced the disk footprint
> drastically, by using only JRE and not full JDK, and without the
> Isabelle/HOL image it will come out rather small.
>         Makarius
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