On Oct 18, 2011, at 12:38, Chuck Swiger wrote:

>> 2. Where, geographically are the monitoring servers located?
> I believe the monitoring is located in California, CA.  Ask would be able to 
> provide more specific details.

Yup, Los Angeles, CA.   I'll probably add a second IPv6 monitoring node in 
Europe relatively soon and if that works okay then monitor v4 nodes from there 
as well.

Originally I thought this was a problem, but it turns out that at the precision 
we target ("better than 100ms") it's a complete non-issue even for monitoring 
servers on slow and weird internet connections on the other side of the planet 
from here.

>> How do they cope with issues with routing failures on the internet between 
>> them and the NTP 
>> hosts, where such failures may not be immediately rectified by intermediary 
>> ISPs?
> They get their ISP to fix it.
> If the monitoring network is down, it's also likely that the NTP pool DNS 
> servers are also unreachable or not providing fresh results, but that's 
> hardly the end of the world-- other nameservers across the net would be 
> caching the results for some time, and existing NTP clients would continue to 
> operate without change.

That's right.  It's basically not as much of a problem as it sounds.

>> Is monitoring done from multiple independent ASes?
> Not at this time, I don't believe.

... and when it does the plan is that a failure from any of the monitoring 
nodes will subtract from your score; so it'll mean everyone will be MORE likely 
to have lower scores, not less.  :-)

 - ask

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