On Dec 19, 2008, at 11:13 AM, Jeff Johnson wrote:

Any other opinions?

As long as the particular security check (here rpmSecuritySaneFile
for RPM_VENDOR_OPENPKG) embedded into POPT can be optionally still
overridden from within RPM (in case one needs some additional checks or
a different error message or whatever) I'm happy. Perhaps an optional
callback does the trick.

Attached is a preliminary (I'm still pondering aesthetics/ maintainenance)
reflecting API additions that I might find useful, mostly because I'm
doing the same silly boilerplate code everywhere I use popt these
days and my mouse button finger is getting arthritic.

Opinions? Otherwise the patch is mostly *yawn* ...

No hurry, I have some trickier implementations to accomplish, including
using the newly added poptGroup() marker to sort argv[] arguments to
remove order sensitivity for the RPM CLI.

And there's also --opt/--noopt automation toggling, per the RFE a couple months back.

And likely a few other RFE's that I will dig out of the popt-devel archives as I proceed.

If you do have additional RFE's for popt, now would be a wonderful time to send them along.

73 de Jeff

Attachment: popt.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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