CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:    2024/02/24 07:20:49

Modified files:
        devel/sdl2     : Makefile 
        devel/sdl2/patches: patch-src_joystick_bsd_SDL_bsdjoystick_c 

Log message:
fix Hat/Dpad detection where HUG_HAT_SWITCH is used for it. Problem
found by stsp@, ok stsp@

There are 2 different ways that HID devices communicate gamepad D-pads.
The traditional way with HUG_HAT_SWITCH is less common, so the issue
remained undetected as many current gamepads use
HUG_DPAD_{UP,DOWN,LEFT,RIGHT} instead. The result was a bug where the
HUG_HAT_SWITCH values were later overridden by zeroes from
(non-existent) HUG_DPAD_*

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