On Thu, Sep 28, 2006 at 05:29:24PM +0300, Sideris Michael wrote:
| Consider this. You install openldap-server and openldap-client installs
| as a dependency. You decide to uninstall openldap-server using something
| like:
| pkg_delete -F clean openldap-server
| The system presents you with the dependencies that are not needed by any
| other package on the system. It asks you whether you want to delete all
| of them or delete them interactively, waiting for confirmation on every
| package. Using the interactive method you may keep the packages that are
| of your interest. In my opinion, a combination of something like that
| and the feature I provide through my script, coded in Perl and
| integrated with pkg_delete(1) of course, would be a good solution here.

I find this contra-intuitive. pkg_delete has the -i flag to set
interactive mode, -F means force. In your proposed setup, you force
'clean' and you get interactive mode. That does not compute ;)


Paul 'WEiRD' de Weerd


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