On Tue, Jan 30, 2007 at 03:50:05PM +0000, Edd Barrett wrote:
> Hello brad and ports,
> I upgraded to -current from a 4.0 release on i386 yesterday and found
> that gaim (which upgraded to 'gaim-2.0.0beta5p1-gtkspell), would
> complain about not being able to link against gstreamer libraries at
> runtime. I installed gstreamer-0.10.11 and the issue was resolved and
> the package functions correctly( thanks for your work, I have been
> witing for gaim2 for a few months). After investigating the CVS logs,
> I see that some activity has happened to do with gstreamer, but I am
> unsure if this is related.
> If this issue was already resolved I apologise and ask that you just
> ignore this email.
> Keep up the good work and have a good one.

Ya, this has been resolved. There is a bad autoconf test in the gaim
autoconf script so that even when I had --disable-gstreamer specified
it was still automatically picking it up if you happened to have it
installed at the time of package build.

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