Information for inst:muse-4.0.0

digital audio workstation with support for Audio and MIDI

MusE is a MIDI/Audio sequencer with recording and editing functionality.
It aims to be a complete multitrack virtual studio with plugin support
and automation.

* Realtime record/playback
* Plugin support through VST, LV2 and LADSPA
* Support for multi channel synths
* External scripting support
* Midi import/export and editing

Maintainer: Dimitri Karamazov <>


To test:
1. Shift-S to select synthesizer - DeicsOnze (or zyn-fusion(ports)
2. Shift-M to add Input track
3. Press D to turn on pencil, select a section directly inline with Track 
   on the canvas by dragging a segment with a mouse.
4. Press A to turn on pointer, double click on the previously selected section
5. While in the Piano Roll, press D to turn on pencil again and select random
   segments by dragging on the canvas.
6. Press Space to play.

Regarding the sched_getscheduler patches the program expects to know if
a scheduler is set (policy>=0) and if real-time scheduling is supported
through SCHED_FIFO. From sched_yeild(2) I understand it is unsupported.
I force policy=0 which stands for standard scheduling in linux.
Couldn't find anything conclusive in /usr/include/sched.h, hope it means
the same in OpenBSD.

Build & Run tested on amd64.


Attachment: muse.tar.gz
Description: Binary data

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