On Tue, Oct 24, 2023 at 10:42:56AM +0200, Theo Buehler wrote:
> > Updated tarball, now also portcheck clean.
> MOD_ENV +=              ${MODCARGO_ENV} 
> There's no BUILD_DEPENDS on security/boringssl/head which would
> need to be present for this to work.
> Is boringssl actually used by the build? I can't spot anything in the
> build log (there are the boring and boring-sys crate, but they aren't
> built) and the deps directory is also empty.
> The port seems to produce the same libquiche.a whether boringssl is
> installed or not and whether the typo above is fixed or not.
> Is there something missing or does DoQ already work with dnsdist?
> If DoQ already works then we can leave the port as it is modulo removal
> of the above line.
> If not, we will probably need the boringssl-boring-crate feature and
> teach it to use the eboringssl from ports.

libquiche.a definitely tries to use BoringSSL API (which libcrypto
doesn't provide), for example

         U EVP_AEAD_CTX_seal_scatter

the bindings are made in quiche/src/tls.rs and quiche/src/crypto.rs.

Is the upcoming dnsdist port going to be linked statically against
libquiche and eboringssl?

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