On 2/16/24 9:41 PM, George Koehler wrote:

Yes, it runs on macppc, but it feels slow (but still usable) on my
750 MHz 1-core PowerPC G4.  If I type in a field, the wait is about
1/2 second until I see the character.  If I draw a curve with the
pencil, a gap forms between the curve and my mouse cursor.  When I am
idle (staring at a new deck), the cpu usage in top(1) is near 50%.
(Idle cpu usage for lang/pcbasic is 20%, for emacs--gtk3 is 0%.)

Oh amazing that it works on macppc too. Thank you for testing!

I have 2 concerns about the port,

   1.  The '$ firefox /usr/local/share/doc/decker/' in pkg/README is
       probably wrong, as Omar Polo said yesterday.  Your README
       doesn't need to mention these html docs.  (Other ports, like
       cmake and gettext, install html docs, but have no port README.)
       If you do want to mention the html docs, then you don't need to
       provide a command to read them.

   2.  The 'MAKE_ENV = COMPILER="${CC}"' looks wrong, because the
       WRKSRC/Makefile's COMPILER=clang overrides it.  See 'man make',
       "The four different classes of variables".  A build on sparc64
       (or whichever arch lacks clang) might fail.  You already have
       a patch-Makefile so I suggest to patch the COMPILER line.

Fixed them both! Good idea to not use a specific browser. I patched the Makefile as well I didn't know other archs didn't have clang available.

See attached for the tarball.

Jag Talon (he/him)


Attachment: decker.tar.gz
Description: application/gzip

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