On Thu, Dec 13, 2007 at 04:52:20PM +0100, Antoine Jacoutot wrote:
> On Thu, 13 Dec 2007, Antti Harri wrote:
>> I'm not saying it shouldn't be imported, I'm just
>> wondering what makes chocolate-doom better than
>> existing prboom.
> I would say it tastes better ;-)

hehe well, when it comes to doom and doom source ports you do get different
experiences depending on the port you play. for example prboom has advanced
editing functions allowing advanced pwads (lots out there, check through
doomworld.com) and also has some other features to tweak compatibility 

chocolate-doom strives to be exactly like the original doom(2).exe and 
retain that original feel of the game at all costs, the only added features
in chocolate-doom are to emulate original dos-like functionality.

there are also some other ports, most notably zdoom and skulltag which both
change the gameplay and add more advanced editing functions that should be
able to be made portable, zdoom being mainly a powerhouse editing engine
with some player enhancements (full working console, full mouselook, 
high resolution modes, jumping, crouching, crosshairs, just to name a few)
and skulltag is based off zdoom and offers an advanced multiplayer
experience in doom closer to quake3 or unreal tournament, including an
announcer voice, 'medals' (accuracy etc), capture the flag maps, all
sorts of goodies. 

Another port would be odamex which i have already got
going and building cleanly on openbsd myself, and that port is meant
to provide solid client/server networking for both deathmatch and coop
play modes in a gameplay environment you can join `on the fly' like more
modern games except trying to retain the original doom deathmatch feel.

sorry for the long email, doom happens to be one of my classic favorites
and is pretty much my version of solitaire at this time so i have tons of
`useful' info when it comes to doom ports.

to try and summarize the point, while we do already have prboom which is
a good port, there are other flavours out there which do fill other voids
that just one doesn't do, plus with zdoom for example it actually allows
flawless play of heretic, hexen, and strife, all with the same executable
(just need to have the original heretic.wad, hexen.wad, strife1.wad/voices.wad
files). Hope this helps,


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