* Robert Gray [2009-10-13]:
> 1) First problem - The Port seems to be built with European Language
> Settings only; and there are no Asian Language available for the User
> to "Choose and Add" to the Browser's language collection.

>From my commit message:

note: this version of opera has font issue on OpenBSD, there are missing
MathML characters and some fonts, like Farsi(?), cannot be displayed at
all.  I looked at it, but have no clue what to do about it.

> 2) Flashplugin - when I tried to do the "make install" listed in the
> FAQ #13 Section,
> (http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq13.html#flashplugin)
> I ran into some package conflicts involving an rpm pkg (rpm vs
> rpm-cpio).

This should be fixed in -current (committed on october 4th), just update
your ports tree or at least emulators/fedora.



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