Dear Edd,

I know that you are very busy but I was wondering if you could tell me
anything from the top of your head about the following "problem".

I am trying to generate bunch of good looking business letters using the
following template (for
logo which should be put into figures/UILogoLG3L.eps

which I used for past three years for the correspondence. The final
output is supposed to look like

Unfortunately on the 

OpenBSD 4.8 GENERIC.MP#361 i386

of 22nd of August using texlive_texmf-full-2009p2, 
texlive_texmf-minimal-2009p1, and texlive_base-2009p4, I get that my 
signature is moved to the right (like it is used in continental Europe).
Also the date is flushed right on the mini page containing senders
information (which absolutely unacceptable as it is messing up document
big time). 

I would guess that there is a switch that I can use to flush my
signature to the left again. What about that stupid date.

Most Kind Regards,
Predrag Punosevac

P.S. I was expecting problems with Powerdot on my latest installation
because it is full of bugs but it is actually working better than

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