On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 11:28:18AM -0400, Predrag Punosevac wrote:
> Dear Edd,
> I know that you are very busy but I was wondering if you could tell me
> anything from the top of your head about the following "problem".
> I am trying to generate bunch of good looking business letters using the
> following template 
> http://www.matthewjmiller.net/files/cover_letters/cover_example.tex
> http://www.matthewjmiller.net/files/cover_letters/uiuc_logo.eps (for
> logo which should be put into figures/UILogoLG3L.eps
> which I used for past three years for the correspondence. The final
> output is supposed to look like 
> http://www.matthewjmiller.net/files/cover_letters/cover_example.pdf
> Unfortunately on the 
> OpenBSD oko.bagdala2.net 4.8 GENERIC.MP#361 i386
> of 22nd of August using texlive_texmf-full-2009p2, 
> texlive_texmf-minimal-2009p1, and texlive_base-2009p4, I get that my 
> signature is moved to the right (like it is used in continental Europe).
> Also the date is flushed right on the mini page containing senders
> information (which absolutely unacceptable as it is messing up document
> big time). 

Why don't you try to solve your own problem, instead of bothering
us/Edd? If this is indeed different from the behaviour of previous
versions, feel free to address this complaint to the maintainer(s) of
newlfm and/or TeXLive.

Hint: the answer is in the fine manual, in paragraph 2.3 in fact.


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