
I just committed an OpenLDAP upgrade.

Important things to know:

+ ldbm backend has been removed
+ bdb is now the default backup
+ slurp has been removed

You must backup all your data before this 
upgrade (pkg_add will warn you before).

For those who don't want to upgrade, answer 
no to pkg_add. Then:
+ stop OpenLDAP
+ delete the old package (openldap-server-2.3.23p4)
+ install the "new" openldap23 packages (openldap-server-2.3.23p5).
Like this, you will no longer be asked for this upgrade.
Please note that in this case, you will have the 
server part of 2.3.23 but the client part will be 2.4.23.

If you want to upgrade:
+ Stop OpenLDAP
+ Backup all your data (slapcat ou your own scripts)
+ Upgrade
+ Modify /etc/openldap/slapd.conf to change the backend.
As spotted by stephan@, this version disallows v2 binds by 
default. If your application needs it, don't forget to 
add "allow bind_v2" in your slapd.conf.
+ Remove old files in your /var/openldap-data/
+ Restore your data

I would like to thanks ajacoutot@,bernd@,jasper@,landry@,sthen@ and stephan@ 
for their help/avdices/comments/tests !


Pierre-Emmanuel André <pea at raveland.org>
GPG key: 0x7AE329DC

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