
Attached is the diff that applies the necessary change sets (15465,
15471, & 15468) from django to fix the issues mentioned in the
security announcement released yesterday.  Details can be found here:
"http://www.djangoproject.com/weblog/2011/feb/08/security/";.  I tested
this diff on i386 using the Feb 8 snapshot.

I understand that ports is currently locked but since this is a
security update, I thought it was important to get this in as soon as
possible.  I chose to patch 1.2.4 instead of upgrading to 1.2.5
because I am under the impression that this is the preferred method of
submitting security updates when ports is locked.  Please let me know
if I am mistaken.

I plan on upgrading to 1.2.5 once the ports tree is unlocked.

Please let me know if there are any questions/comments/suggestions.


Attachment: django_124p0.diff
Description: Binary data

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