On Jul 03 14:05:25, Ted Unangst wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 03, 2011, Jan Stary wrote:
> > On Jul 03 13:06:21, Brad wrote:
> >> On 03/07/11 5:05 AM, Jan Stary wrote:
> >> >This diff is to make sure that ffmpeg doesn't create
> >> >hidden dependencies when opencore-amr is installed.
> >>
> >> As I said in my other post this is not necessary.
> > 
> > It is not necessary, because --enable-libopencore-amrnb
> > defaults to no; however,
> > 
> >> >    Identify missing software
> >> >           Some dependencies won't be fulfilled because the missing
> >> >           software has not yet been ported. It is highly recommended to
> >> >           explicitly disable those options. Failure to do that breaks
> > bulk
> >> >    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> > 
> > Which is exactly what this diff is doing.
> This only matters if the default is yes,
> because then things will break later.

It also matters when the default is autodetect.

> If it's off and it's going to stay off, there's no need.

Again I agree: there's no *need*. But explicitly disabling it
is exactly what the porting manual "highly recommends", right?

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