
I'm right now playing around with getting libobjc2 llvm optimizations built.
Those optimizations come with libobjc2 port (not yet in the tree).
To build libobjc2, devel/llvm is needed.
When building devel/llvm, I added a BUILD_DEPENDS=x11/gnustep/libobjc2:patch

But now when I start a make, then it circles around, since llvm is not 
installed, but the libobjc2:patch target needs llvm...

I could add the libobjc2 source tarball as an extra DISTFILE to the port, but 
that would mean, there could be different versions of libobjc2, and the 
optimizations being installed. I thought it would be more clever to depend on a 
patch target, but that doesn't seem to work out.

What would be the right way to do it?


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