On Thu, Dec 08, 2011 at 07:45:49PM +0100, Sebastian Reitenbach wrote:
> I'm right now playing around with getting libobjc2 llvm optimizations built.
> Those optimizations come with libobjc2 port (not yet in the tree).
> To build libobjc2, devel/llvm is needed.
> When building devel/llvm, I added a BUILD_DEPENDS=x11/gnustep/libobjc2:patch
> But now when I start a make, then it circles around, since llvm
> is not installed, but the libobjc2:patch target needs llvm...

That's the same situation as in lang/ghc and devel/haddock. I added
a flavor `no_deps" to devel/haddock which doesn't depend on anything
(and isn't buildable at all) and use
BUILD_DEPENDS+=devel/haddock,no_deps:patch in lang/ghc.

It was a little bit annoying for dpb(1) users in the past, but this
had been fixed by espie@ some time ago, so even dpb(1) is happy
with it.


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