Hi there,

Works for me, maybe it's useful for others too.

NO_BUILD, just an alternative rc script + {en,dis}able script:

$ cat pkg/DESCR
An alternative CUPS rc script & toggle script, which enables CUPS to run
on production boxes which usually read-only mount /usr (and /usr/local).

Items in /usr, /dev & /etc aren't altered with each CUPS start/box boot.

For print servers running cupsd, not for clients using cups_browsed.

Inspiration taken from the postfix-{enable,disable,install} scripts,
with much code copied from the cupsd rc script and into
'cups-toggle (enable|disable)'.

See: http://marc.info/?t=143422329000001


Attachment: cups-readonly-usr.tar.gz
Description: application/tar-gz

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