On Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 12:17:01PM +0200, Landry Breuil wrote:
> Hi,
> so 41 is now in, time to move on to 42b1 and enable gtk3 by default -
> running fine here on amd64.
> You'll need the attached mozilla.port.mk diff to be able to build it
> (and as you can see there, thunderbird beta will also move to gtk3)
> I'm *not* planning on adding a 'gtk2' flavor, unless there's strong
> support for this, and some reasoning that makes sense.

And upstream is playing chicken, coming back to gtk2 for 42, see

> As usual:
> http://cgit.rhaalovely.net/mozilla-firefox/?h=beta
> git clone -b beta http://git.rhaalovely.net/git/mozilla-firefox

This now has 42.0b2, using gtk2.. sigh. Better luck next time in 43...


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