On 2016-03-20 11:17:25, Peter Kane <pwk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I use jserver/kinput2 because it works with cwm and I can run it on a legacy 
> i386 system and connect over ssh from an amd64 machine (I was hoping the new 
> vmd development work would help there, but i386 support seems a way off). The 
> new UTF-8 desktop settings in -current work OK for me to display UTF-8 fonts, 
> it is just the occasional inputting of kanji that I need something for. If 
> someone can show how to use uim/anthy with cwm in a non-root manner I would 
> be grateful. 
> uim does have appeal because it supports a wide range of languages and I 
> would like something for Chinese, too.

It's been a long time since I installed and configured uim/anthy
(it Just Works), so I may not remember all the steps it took, but
it's fairly straightforward.

These are the installed ports I have:
        anthy-9100hp1       japanese input method
        uim-1.8.6p1         multilingual input method library
        uim-gtk-1.8.6p1     uim for GTK+2
        uim-gtk3-1.8.6p2    uim for GTK+3
        uim-kde-1.8.6p1     uim for KDE3
        uim-qt4-1.8.6p1     uim for QT4
        uim-tomoe-gtk-0.6.0 japanese handwriting

In .xinitrc (non-relevant lines omitted):
        export XMODIFIERS=@im=uim
        export GTK_IM_MODULE="uim"
        export QT_IM_MODULE="uim"
        env LC_CTYPE=ja_JP.UTF-8 uim-xim &
        exec env LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8" /usr/X11R6/bin/cwm

Quite frankly, I can't remember why I put the 
"env LC_CTYPE=ja_JP.UTF-8" and 'env LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8"' lines
in there.  I think at one point they mattered, but with the base
system having/being switched to UTF-8 by default, they may no
longer be necessary.

After that, simply typing "startx" will bring up CWM with a
working IME.

Running /usr/local/bin/uim-pref-gtk will bring up a GUI you can
use to configure UIM.  There are probably *way* more options here
than you'll need.  Configuring the keyboard shortcut you want to
use to switch input methods is probably the only one you'll really
need at first.  I have mine set up to toggle between an IPA
keyboard (for inputting linguistics-related symbols), a regular
keyboard, and the anthy IME.

You can also run one of:

If you want a GUI-toolbar or systray application to run that lets
you click on buttons to toggle/switch between IMEs.  Though
personally, I find them to be superfluous, especially in a
minimalist windowmanager like CWM.

Please let me know if you're successful in setting up UIM/anthy
with this information; I can always try to offer better advice :)


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