Predrag Punosevac wrote:

> I must have done something stupid during the upgrade from 5.8 to 5.9
> (amd64)
> # /usr/local/share/examples/rrdtool/rrdtool-chroot enable 
> cp: /usr/local/lib/pango/*/modules/ No such file or
> directory
> Directory /usr/local/lib/pango is indeed missing. 
> # pkg_info pango
> Information for inst:pango-1.38.1
> However I don't see that the package contains /usr/lib/pongo/1.8/modules
> anymore (I downloaded and extracted package manually).
> To add insult to injury it seems that rrdtool-chroot is not behaving
> correctly on my machine. After commenting out the line in rrdtool-chroot
> enable which is suppose to copy I noticed that rrdtool
> binaries were not coppied to /var/www/bin. 
> I did that manually and now I can see nice graphs in the syweb of my
> home network. The only thing I noticed about symon/symux is that it has
> problems with sensor(cpu0.temp0) data
> # /usr/local/share/examples/symon/ all              
> /var/www/symon/rrds/localhost/io_cd0.rrd exists - ignoring
> /var/www/symon/rrds/localhost/io_sd2.rrd exists - ignoring
> /var/www/symon/rrds/localhost/io_sd1.rrd exists - ignoring
> /var/www/symon/rrds/localhost/io_sd0.rrd exists - ignoring
> /var/www/symon/rrds/localhost/if_em0.rrd exists - ignoring
> /var/www/symon/rrds/localhost/proc_httpd.rrd exists - ignoring
> ERROR: parsing min val - Cannot convert '-U' to float
> could not create /var/www/symon/rrds/localhost/sensor_cpu0.temp0.rrd
> /var/www/symon/rrds/localhost/mbuf.rrd exists - ignoring
> /var/www/symon/rrds/localhost/pf.rrd exists - ignoring
> /var/www/symon/rrds/localhost/if_lo0.rrd exists - ignoring
> /var/www/symon/rrds/localhost/mem.rrd exists - ignoring
> /var/www/symon/rrds/localhost/cpu0.rrd exists - ignoring
> Also on syweb it seems that the following layouts are broken pf and
> total_firewall (I don't get graphs but it could be very well related to
> above problem with rrdtool running in chroot).
> Any ideas?
> Predrag

rrdtool-chroot script is broken for me on the freshly installed 5.9.
with the same error

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