
rmilter is used to integrate rspamd with any milter-compatible
MTA, this is mostly taken from openbsd-wip with all the heavy
lifting by @sthen. I made some minor changes:

- Update from 1.9.2 to a later working version
- bumped the uid/gid as 780 which was originally in there is now taken
- changed the configuration files to live in /etc/rmilter/* as the
  recommendation is that you make changes to a .local file and/or create
  /etc/rmilter/local.d/ for further user/local customization

# cat pkg/DESCR
Rmilter is used to integrate rspamd with any milter-compatible
MTA, for example postfix or sendmail. Features include:

- ClamAV scanning (via unix or tcp socket).
- Rspamd scanning
- Greylisting and rate-limiting with redis upstream
- Auto-whitelisting (internal and via redis upstream)
- Replies check (whitelisting replies to sent messages)
- Passing messages and/or their headers to beanstalk servers

I've been running this on my mailserver (amd64) for a few weeks
now and it works for me.



Attachment: rmilter.tgz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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