Le 2018-03-07 23:03, Josh Elsasser a écrit :
Builds and passes tests on amd64 and i386, builds on macppc and test
results don't look much worse. Any sbcl users care to give the update
a try?

diff -ruN ./Makefile ../../mystuff/lang/sbcl/Makefile
--- ./Makefile  Tue Jan 23 08:15:57 2018
+++ ../../mystuff/lang/sbcl/Makefile    Wed Mar  7 11:32:54 2018


Your diff has wrong paths, it doesn't apply correctly with patch.

I tested your diff neverthless, sbcl works fine on amd64, I'm able to
compile and use x11/stumpwm. I used a few lisp programs with the
new version and I had no issue so far. I tried the -threads flavor
which compiled fine, maybe it will fix the issue added in comments
in the Makefile that the thread flavor crash from time to time
at the build stage. The -threads flavors also let compiling stumpwm
and some other common lisp code.

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