Hi Brian,

Could you explain why ports-gcc is needed? Is there a reason that gcc-4.9.4 would be preferred over clang-6.0.0? Usually, if you have a COMPILER line, you have a comment above it with a reason why. I don't know if it's true for this port, but something like:
# C++11
COMPILER = base-clang ports-gcc

is usually what is wanted here.

Actually, when compiled with base-clang, I was observing some segmentation faults during tests (the first in test/fsm no. 43).

After the upgrade to a more recent snapshot (I'm currently using the one dated 4th Aug), the test suite completes without errors even using clang. So, I agree with your suggestion.

Please also note that we need a pre-build "conditional", since the "config-" target in upstream Makefile is different for clang (config-clang) and gcc (config-gcc-4.8); I defined the variable CONFIG_TARGET and set it after the ".include <bsd.port.mk>", according to the value of CHOSEN_COMPILER:

[... snip ...]
        ${SUBST_CMD} ${WRKSRC}/kernel/yosys.cc
        @cd ${WRKBUILD} && exec ${MAKE_PROGRAM} config-$(CONFIG_TARGET)


.include <bsd.port.mk>

.if ${CHOSEN_COMPILER} == "base-clang"
[... snip ...]

Please confirm that this is acceptable (or suggest any wiser alternatives).

Some other notes:

As I understand Makefile.template, you should prefer the GH_* variables for this port, since everything is auto-generated anyway. It will also let you get rid of your VERSION variable, since the GH_* variables will take care of it.

I was following the comment in Makefile.template:

[... snip ...]
# github:
# /releases/ -> preferred. ignore GH_*, just use MASTER_SITES and DISTNAME.
# /archive/ -> GH_ACCOUNT and GH_PROJECT, plus either GH_TAGNAME or GH_COMMIT.
[... snip ...]

(in this case we have a release). I see a bunch of other ports doing similar things (e.g., games/minetest, textproc/py-rdflib, ...).

Should I use GH_TAGNAME instead?

Your LDFLAGS line might be better located as a part of your MAKE_FLAGS line.


Updated tarball enclosed.

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