On 2018-08-12 21:21:18, Bryan Linton <b...@shoshoni.info> wrote:
> On 2018-08-12 12:44:11, Tom Murphy <open...@pertho.net> wrote:
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I'd love to test this as I do enjoy playing Wesnoth.
> > 
> > The patch Kirill posted for 1.14.4 appears to require devel/boost 1.66.0p0 
> > or
> > later, however boost 1.66.0 is the latest version in the tree. I've looked 
> > but couldn't find 1.66.0 revision 0 patches.
> > 
> > Is there an update to devel/boost for 1.66.0p0 somewhere?
> > 
> Yes, he also sent a seperate update to boost which adds ICU
> support, which is required for the Wesnoth update.
> If you can't find it in your mailer, you could try pulling the
> patch from the archives here:
>       https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-ports&m=153293983402845&w=2

It looks like the boost ICU patch was committed recently
so the Wesnoth update should work by itself with an up-to-date
ports tree.

I've been continuing to play and test the Wesnoth update itself.
I haven't encountered any bugs or regressions yet.

Barring no other issues, I'd love to see this go in now that the
ICU patch has been committed.

If anyone else enjoys turn-based strategy games, particularly ones
with a fantasy theme (elves, orcs, undead, etc.) I highly
recommend it.

If traditional strategy games (controlling many players with
varying skills and abilities, like chess) aren't your thing, a
common variation played on the multiplayer server is one where
instead you choose a single character and level it to extremely
high levels as you fight through hoards of creeps (AI controlled
characters) with your teammates.

Wesnoth is free and open-source (no external assets required),
cross-platform (Windows, Mac, Linux, BSD) and was recently added
to Steam, so if you have any friends on non-unix platforms who
would like to play, it should be easy for them to install and start

I've been playing Wesnoth since it was at version 1.4 (released
all the way back in 2008!) so it definitely has staying power.

I encourage anyone interested to test the new port and enjoy
playing it!


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