
I see my dream has become true: Warsow is finally available for OpenBSD!

I wouldn't be able to do this alone, so thanks to whesun, Lyberta,
Bryan Steele, Jan Beich, Victor Luchits, dnk777, Rene Ladan, Alexey
Dokuchaev and Juan RP.

I also have to note that Warsow is abandonware, still it got new
developers, but I don't know if Warsow 2.2 will be ever released:

I hope my patches will go to FreeBSD ports, pkgsrc and Ravenports.


Information for inst:warsow-2.1

futuristic, fast-paced first person shooter

Speed and movement is what Warsow is all about.

Like a true cyberathlete you jump, dash, dodge, and walljump your way
through the game. Grab power-ups before your enemy does, plant a bomb
before anyone sees you, and steal the enemy's flag before they know what
is going on!

Our goal is to offer a fast and fun competitive first-person shooter
without hard graphical violence - Warsow has no blood or guts flying
around. Red circles instead of blood indicate hits and colored triangles
replace guts as gib effects.

We put a great emphasis on extreme customazibility and e-sports

Maintainer: Leonid Bobrov <mazoc...@disroot.org>

WWW: https://warsow.net/

Information for inst:warsow-data-2.1

Warsow game data

Required by:

This package contains the data files for the Warsow client/server.

Maintainer: Leonid Bobrov <mazoc...@disroot.org>

WWW: https://warsow.net/

Attachment: warsow.tar.gz
Description: application/tar-gz

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