So, I've made some progress in my fork. snd_openal module is removed,
snd_qf should do a great job. I've also got rid of all GNU extentions
and deprecated registers in C++17. So far this game compiles with one
warning, but compiler prints a mess, so I've silenced it with
-Wno-user-defined-warnings flag, now it can be built with -Werror flag.
The install target is added to CMakeLists.txt, also warsow_2.1 branch
from is merged (note: I didn't
bother applying patches from that branch to Android because Android
support was not ready in this game anyway).

All relevant patches are sent to
and this game was tested at OpenBSD, DragonFly BSD and NetBSD (couldn't
test at FreeBSD due to kernel panic coming from radeonkms module).

Note that FPS limiter is buggy: if you set limit to 60 you'll get 33 FPS
and if you set limit to 500 you'll get 100 FPS, so far it happened only
at OpenBSD, so I have no idea is that a problem in game or in OpenBSD.

Attachment: warsow.tar.gz
Description: Binary data

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