On Sun, 07 Jul 2019, Andrew Hewus Fresh wrote:

> p5-Test-LWP-UserAgent is missing a RUN_DEPENDS on p5-namespace-clean and
> a TEST_DEPENDS on p5-Test-Deep and p5-Test-Fatal, plus might benefit
> from adding p5-JSON-MaybeXS.

November last year I sent a tarball for this port but nobody seem to use
it back then. Here's the Makefile I used to build it (I still use it
today, just removed MAINTAINER and adapted PERMIT_PACKAGE in case you
want to use it as is). I think it might be more accurate on dependencies
than the one Marc Espie sent. He included devel/p5-Moose which I think
is not needed looking at CPAN, but probably drags in all the needed
dependencies (and many more, as Moose is pretty heavy on deps).

I hope it's somewhat useful.

# $OpenBSD$

COMMENT =               LWP::UserAgent for simulating and testing network calls

MODULES =               cpan
PKG_ARCH =              *
DISTNAME =              Test-LWP-UserAgent-0.033
CATEGORIES =            www devel

# Perl

RUN_DEPENDS =   www/p5-HTTP-Date \
                www/p5-HTTP-Message \
                www/p5-libwww \
                devel/p5-namespace-clean \
                devel/p5-Safe-Isa \
                devel/p5-Try-Tiny \
TEST_DEPENDS += devel/p5-Path-Tiny \
                devel/p5-Test-Deep \
                devel/p5-Test-Fatal \
                devel/p5-Test-Needs \
                devel/p5-Test-RequiresInternet \


.include <bsd.port.mk>

Paco Esteban.
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