
Racket's 2htdp/image's `text`[1] function is having troubling rendering

        (In Emacs Racket-REPL via racket-mode[2])

        (In DrRacket)

        (Video demonstration of the issue)

[2]: https://github.com/greghendershott/racket-mode

I've been using racket-minimal on OpenBSD for the last 6 months and I've
not had this issue before.

My OpenBSD system info:

   cygnus$ uname -a
   OpenBSD cygnus.ricketyspace.net 6.6 GENERIC.MP#597 amd64

   cygnus$ pkg_info -A  | grep racket 
   racket-minimal-7.5  multi-paradigm programming language

   Running OpenBSD snapshot (2020-01-11) with racket-minimal version
   7.5 installed.

I tried using the 2htdp/image's `text`[1] function on Ubuntu 19.10 with
Racket version 7.5. It works there. So, this issue seems to be specific
to OpenBSD.

I'm guessing this issue might be related to upgrades to[3]:

    libXfont2 2.0.4.
    font/util 1.3.2.
    font/encodings 1.0.5.

[3]: https://www.openbsd.org/plus.html

I'm wondering if the racket-minimal package needs to re-compiled?

Steps to replicate this issue:

      # pkg_add racket-minimal

      $ raco pkg install --jobs $(sysctl -n hw.ncpuonline) \
             --auto drracket

      $ curl https://ricketyspace.net/tmp/text.rkt > /tmp/text.rkt

      $ $HOME/.racket/7.5/bin/drracket

        File -> Open -> /tmp/text.rkt

        To run the text.rkt file -> hit Ctrl+R or click "Run" button in
        the top right.

        In the REPL that opens at the bottom, do:


It would be great if this issue can be fixed in OpenBSD.

Let me know if more information is needed from my end.

- rsiddharth

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